Organic farm with bio-lake in Val Parma
Il biolago balneabile che abbiamo voluto per il nostro agriturismo è uno specchio d’acqua in armonia con il territorio e la fauna che lo abita. Un microcosmo vivo e che muta seguendo le stagioni.
Non usiamo cloro, la depurazione avviene grazie a un sistema naturale di filtrazione: la fitodepurazione. È processo che unisce l’azione filtrante dello strato ghiaioso, delle piante acquatiche e del ricircolo creato dalle pompe, per purificare l’acqua senza l’uso di sostanze chimiche.
The bathing bio-lake, or natural pool, that we selected for our farm holidays is a mirror of water in harmony with the land and wildlife. An alive microcosm, changing with seasons.
We don’t use chlorine, purification takes place through a natural filtration system: phytodepuration. It’s a process that unifies the filtering action of the gravel layer, of the aquatic plants and the recirculation created by pumps, to purify water without chemicals.
Immerse yourself in nature
In a warm summer evening, immerse yourself in the natural pond, look at the view toward Val Parma and wait a few minutes. Let the water pause and nature wrap you. Breathe slowly and wait for dragonflies and the croaking of a frog unsure to come back into the water. Upon you the sky gets darker, stars start to light, e you too will feel to be part of this fragile ecosystem.
“At first I was not convinced because I knew anything about bio-lake; I felt uncomfortable at the idea of bathig among frogs. Then It has been enough for me to get close, hear the rustle of water, the fragrance of the aquatic plants, to feel all resistances fall. Immerse myself in clear water, admire the dragonflies moving so quick and the swallows coming to drink is such a deep immersive and unique experience that I recommend to everyone. Water smells natural, there is no chlorine. I would never leave.”